About Art and Soul Workshops
“Art is the highest form of hope” -Gerhard Richter

Making art is good for your heart, soul and mind! So many people deny themselves the right to make art because they claim they are “not an artist”, or that they are “not creative”. It is a misconception that in order to make art you have to be a masterful, professionally trained, money making artist. In truth, EVERYONE is an artist! Come let me show you!
When you create art it doesn’t have to fit into a “box” of a particular style, or genre. It doesn’t have to be realistic or perfectly and streamlined. You can make art that is outside that silly, limiting box! You can make YOUR art! You don’t have to create art to make money or strive to be perfect! You can create art to feel good, to heal, to calm your nerves, to address anxiety, to follow your intuition, to rediscover yourself and so much more. You are able to to tap into a different part of your brain–the beautiful, creative, young, free, fun-loving part of your brain that you forget to nurture! You can make art and not worry about the end result and just enjoy the process of making art.
Come paint, journal, cut and paste, draw and more. Rediscover your creative side with simple, fun, approachable and meaningful projects that contain ways to create intuitively, enjoy the process and get more in touch with your heart, art and soul!
Groups of 6 or more, starting at $35 per participant. Groups of 4-5 participants $40 per participant. All supplies included. Prices may vary with project supplies and locations. You host, I host or pick find an attainable location. Contact Jenny T. for available dates and book your workshop today!